Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Trip to Denver

Jordan and I traveled From April 20th to 24th to Denver to see my family on my fathers 60th birthday. We visited the Denver Museum of Nature of Science, Colorado Springs Zoo and went hiking at a state park. Here are some pictures I took along the way. Happy Birthday Dad!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

In Memory of Terry M. Brumbaugh

Today Angelita, Jordan, Terry, Juanita and I along with a few friends, walked in Memory of Terry Michael who took his life almost two years ago. The Out of Darkness Event was located at Penn State University and benefits the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention which raises money for AFSP's vital research and education programs to prevent suicide and save lives, increase national awareness about depression and suicide, and assist survivors of suicide loss. Our team raised almost $1000 dollars to help in this cause. For more information or to make a donation, please visit the web


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Molly gets Hurt

Monday morning was not good this week. Molly was hit by a car early this morning when going out before we left for work and school. After finally getting a vet to exam her, we found out her right, back leg was broken above her knee. The bone broke the long way up her bone which required a rod and two screws along with a wire around her bone. We just brought her home this evening and she needs to rest for six weeks, only being let out when she needs to go to the bathroom. Here is some pics: