Friday, June 13, 2008

Fun In The Pool

Its been warm up in the Northeast for the last week and we've been able to go swimming often in our relatives pools. Here are pics of Cody and Jordan swimming in Nana and Pap's pool. Jordan is finally getting more comfortable in the pool and not just holding onto the ladder. Cody meanwhile, needs to find a better way onto the rafts.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pittsburgh Visit

The family went on a "business" trip this weekend for Angelita's job at PSU. We stayed at the Westin in downtown Pittsburgh for the night and attend a Tailgate Brunch at the Westin. After the event, we attended a Pittsburgh Pirates game against the Arizona Diamondbacks. Pittsburgh won 6-4. The heat was unbearable at 95 degrees! I even got to meet a celebrity, JoePa! Well, not really but I like to think I did.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Preston's Graduation

Friday night was Preston's Graduation from Central High School. Here are some pictures from the event.