Thursday, December 11, 2008

In Orlando last week

I traveled to Orlando last week for training from Training Magazine Institute with Alan Klein from my office in ITS Training Services for Penn State. We were there for 4 days staying at the Buena Vista Palace and Spa which was a very nice hotel in Disney. Temperatures were actua;;y chilly when I first arrived but warmed up the last few days. In addition to getting sick for a day, I also had my first experience on a plane with a woman needing medical attention after going into insulin shock when flying down to Orlando. Here's some pics:

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Jordan went Trick or treating last night at Morrison's Cove retirement community dressed as a Star Wars Stormtrooper. Today his school had a Halloween Parade. Angelita and I took him out last night and My mom and I went to see him in the parade. See the Pics!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I'm Famous (sort of)

Today I was the featured reader for the PopCandy blog on USAToday's Website. See Above!

You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Bedford County Fair

We went to the Bedford County Fair yesterday to see the crafts and eat good food! After some rain the morning the sun came out right in time for our arrival.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Road Trip: Day Two

Well we left Junction City, Kansas this morning around 9:00am. We traveled through Kansas City, more farmland in Missouri. We stopped for lunch in Boonville, Missouri at KFC then headed toward St. Louis. We saw the arch (again, excuse my pictures I'm driving while taking these) in St. Louis and finished our way through Illinois before stopping in Terre Haute for the night. Here is the photo evidence. We should arrive home tomorrow evening if everything goes as planned.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Road Trip, Day One:

I arrived late last night after Tornadoes hit near Denver last night. My flight was several hours late arriving. I attached a photo from the local newspaper today. Left Denver this morning, spent some time with the family, saying Hi/Bye to Madison, Nathan, Dan and Nicole. Then my mom and I left with me driving the moving van while my mom drove her vehicle. We arrived around the Colorado border near Burlington, Co for lunch. Then arrived in Kansas around 1pm. Kansas seems to go on forever with nothing but flat, farm land. Around the center of the state you actually see green grass again. Staying in Junction City tonight near the Kansas border tonight at a Holiday Inn. Its surprisingly hard to take pictures while driving a moving truck but here are a few I took before I left this morning and while driving today.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Rails to Trails

Went riding with Jordan on Sunday at the Rails to Trails in Williamsburg on Sunday. This particular trail is over 16 miles long and stretches from Holidaysburg to almost Huntington. We went about 4 miles and stopped along the river to walk on the rocks as well.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Angel's Birthday and Saving Abel

Angel and I celebrated her birthday Friday night by going to dinner and then seeing Saving Abel and Rev Theory in concert at Lulu's nightspot in State College. Afterwords we went out dancing with friends at the Saloon. Happy Birthday Honey!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Daughtry Concert

Angelita and I went to see Daughtry Saturday night at the Clearfield County Fair with our friends Dan, Cassie and Brenda. Here are some pics!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Jordan! We celebrated Jordan's 6th Birthday last weekend with Family at his Nana and Pap's House in East Freedom. Jordan wanted to do a swimming birthday. He got many presents including the Mario Kart game for the Wii, race track, SpongeBob game and fishing rod, pirateship and a keyboard to learn how to play music. He has taken up a interest in learning on to play the piano on the farmers piano, so we hope to encourage him with this.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Cody's 15th Bday Party

We Celebrated Cody's Birthday recently here are some photo's! Cody saved most of his money he recieved in gifts for a new XBOX 360 which he has been playing religiously.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Fun In The Pool

Its been warm up in the Northeast for the last week and we've been able to go swimming often in our relatives pools. Here are pics of Cody and Jordan swimming in Nana and Pap's pool. Jordan is finally getting more comfortable in the pool and not just holding onto the ladder. Cody meanwhile, needs to find a better way onto the rafts.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pittsburgh Visit

The family went on a "business" trip this weekend for Angelita's job at PSU. We stayed at the Westin in downtown Pittsburgh for the night and attend a Tailgate Brunch at the Westin. After the event, we attended a Pittsburgh Pirates game against the Arizona Diamondbacks. Pittsburgh won 6-4. The heat was unbearable at 95 degrees! I even got to meet a celebrity, JoePa! Well, not really but I like to think I did.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Preston's Graduation

Friday night was Preston's Graduation from Central High School. Here are some pictures from the event.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I just wanted to Say Happy Mother's Day to the mother of my Children, Angelita. The Kids and I love her dearly.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Trip to Denver

Jordan and I traveled From April 20th to 24th to Denver to see my family on my fathers 60th birthday. We visited the Denver Museum of Nature of Science, Colorado Springs Zoo and went hiking at a state park. Here are some pictures I took along the way. Happy Birthday Dad!